Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Preparing Your House For a Zombie Invasion

After talking to several contractors who specialize in preparing houses for the 2012 zombie invasion I have developed a way to turn your house into a zombie invasion headquarters. Thats right you lazy people who think its a good idea to put the fridge, TV and computer in the bathroom so you never have to move, can now in the event of a zombie invasion, never have to leave the house.

To begin preparing your house for a zombie invasion you must first make sure all of your door and windows are bullet proof. Why bullet proof you ask? Because in a recent survey 9 out of 10 zombies admitting to ignoring houses with bullet proof doors and/or windows because it hurts to bash them down.

After bullet proofing your doors and windows it is time to move on to the power system. In the event of a zombie invasion the power will eventually go out. Whether it is your next door neighbor trying to run over zombies in his car and taking out the power lines in the process, or the power grid just shutting down, the power will go out. To prepare for this use batteries and solar panels to keep the power to your house flowing. Generators are also an option, but they tend to make a lot of noise, and you don't want to attract zombies before it's zombie mercin time. Plus if we survive the zombie invasion those solar panel will help to prevent global warming, and later when global warming is disproved global cooling.

After doing this it is time to stock up on supplies, because this is pre invasion you can't stock up on high powered guns, and drugs with being arrested. Instead stock up on things such as bullets, and guns you can legally own. Buy a lot of alcohol so if it comes down to it you can kill your brain before the zombies eat it, and buy that crappy food made to last a century. The food might taste bad, but it will keep you from starving.

After doing this sit down, have a beer and relax, because come the Zombie Invasion you will never have to move your lazy butt.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Zombies Support Cash for Clunkers

The story begins a few nights ago when I received a panicked phone call from one of my source close to a top government official. He shouted "THEY ARE WORKING WITH THEM. IT'S THE..........." and then the line went dead. At first I figured this was just another drunk dial gone wrong. But there was something fishy about this call, I don't know if it was the tone of his voice, or the fact that he didn't seem to be drunk, but something was off.

At that time I was still unsure what to make of the whole issue. So like an idiot I wrote it off as a drunk dial and planned to contact my associate through a secure line the next day. Upon waking up the next morning I phoned my associate hoping to figure out what was going on, only no one picked up. In fact my next 15.51 calls went unanswered.

As my hope of regaining contact faded I began searching through recent news stories trying despritly to figure out what the potential warning might have been regarding. After hours of work I finally figured it out. It was so simple, I looked right past it at first, but now that I see it it's so obvious.

The cash for clunkers program has been all over the news recently, yet few people have come to realize the affect this plan will have on our ability to defend ourselves against zombies. Right now our zombie defenses are at an all time high. But this is 2009, not 2012. If this were 2012 the lost wages for millions of mechanics, the destruction of cars which the poor would otherwise use, and the fact that millions have overextended themselves would all be worth it. Unfortunately this is 2009, which means many of these new cars being bought now will be repossessed before 2012. Leaving millions without a car to escape the 2012 zombie invasion in. Whether it was mindless politicians who caused this program or politicians who's brain were eaten by zombies doesn't matter. We the people of the United States need to stop spending money on cars that may be repossessed before December 21st, 2012!

Remember zombies are slow, but can run for weeks without slowing. The only hope we have of escaping a zombie horde is to outrun them in a car, and then hide. If you can't afford more then a clunker keep that clunker and tell those in charge of our government that we will not be so easy to manipulate. Our zombie defenses will remain strong, together WE CAN DO IT!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Leaving Your Headquarters

After surviving the initial surge of zombies it is time to venture out and explore your local area, hopefully even finding other survivors much like yourself. Much like Shawn, from Shawn of the Dead, you to will need a group to lead.

Before venturing out into the wild you will need to equip yourself with some essential supplies. To begin with be sure that you bring with you as much firepower as possible. Unlike many videos games lead us to believe, zombies must be shot in the head, 15 shots to the torso does nothing if they can bite they will try to gte brains. A missing, arm or leg will barely hinder these beasts, a head shot is required. Just imagine your favorite zombie shooter on hard, and amplify that by a power of 22 THOUSAND!

Along with your mercing supplies you should also bring as much alcohol with you as possible. In the times following a zombie invasion it is essential that your liquid courage is raging. It will be just like college, except without all the parties, and good times. So basically it will be like finals week.

After packing both of these essentials it is time to consider your food and drug situation. Food is always nice to have, but depending on how many humans you think you might run into a few drugs for trading might be a good idea. Most drugs are fairly easy to carry, and because there are no cops this is your one real chance to feel like a true gangster without risking arrest. That's right after the zombie invasion you will be able to openly use drugs, and drink in public, or even *gasp* drink underage! If only pre 2012 was like this parties would kick so much ass.

After gathering all your supplies it is time to head out into the great wild. Gather your courage, drink your alcohol, and run outside into the light screaming with joy. Zombies might have surrounded you area, there might be one hapless zombie, or you might be surrounded by nothing, just do what Chuck Noris would do

Merc any of the zombies which might be located near by you, and then proceed to explore your surroundings. Try to avoid dark areas, just like Will Smith did in I Am Legend, and at all costs make sure you have a pimpin ride. If you have to die let it be in a blaze of glory, blasting some good old rock n roll, screaming your favorite lines to your favorite movie and driving a pimpin car.

After reading through all of this you should feel confident about your abilities to fight back come the 2012 zombie invasion. There is still hope of preventing a zombie invasion, and in the coming weeks, months and years I will be keeping your informed on the latest news regarding the armies of the underworld. Until the stay safe, be prepared to merc, and keep checking my page for all the latest news on the upcoming zombie invasion. Remember Nazi Zombies, and Left 4 Dead aren't just games, they are life savers (come a zombie invasion).

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Surviving the Zombie Invasion of 2012

December 21st 2012, the Mayans claim it is a date of great change, some say it is when the poles will reverse, while others claim on this date World War 3 will begin. The truth is that on December 21st when Earth aligns with the center of the galaxy the undead will walk among us. Yes that's right zombies will rise from the grave.

For the better part of a decade I have been working with a small group of Free Masons to prevent the zombie invasion, but their efforts are failing. The only thing left to do is prepare.

When the zombies invade many people will panic, in this chaos humans will begin randomly committing acts of chaos. Our great cities will become war zones, our weapons will be used upon each other, and for some reason people will steal big screen TVs, even though the power and cable is NEVER coming back. This is NOT the answer!

When the zombie invasion begins, the number one priority should be to find a headquarters. Just like Batman, Superman, Dr. Doom and Brett Farve you to will need a headquarters. The first rule of picking a headquarters is to find a place with all the essential supplies, for instance a shopping mall may look like the perfect place to hide out, but before heading there make sure you stock up on supplies which the mall might be lacking. Ask yourself, is there a liquor store near my hideout? Do I have easy access to guns? Is it a zombie free zone?

Even if your headquarters has a liquor store, guns, and is zombie free, it could still be better. The evidence room in a police station is the perfect place to go to better your headquarters. Guns, ammunition, money and drugs they have it all, and in the event of a zombie invasion chances there will be very few officers guarding the police station. Still you will need to distract the officers there long enough to grab the evidence and run. To do this run into the police station screaming about the local donut shop being attacked. Upon hearing this the officers will be driven into a fury, and rush to aid/eat the helpless donuts. When this happens simply walk over to the evidence locker and take everything you need to survive the first few weeks of the zombie invasion. After doing this simply head over to your headquarters and wait, if a car dealership is on the way feel free to upgrade your vehicle.

After the initial surge of zombies has come to and end it will be possible to leave your headquaters and start mercing zombies. Kicking zombie ass will be covered in the next post, until then stay safe, and prepare.

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